Monday, September 3, 2018

How to Lose a Clean Star

This is my blog... so these are also my rules. :) This is how I judge a book and how I choose if it merits losing a clean star or half a star. 

A books begins with all 5 clean stars. 

Here are a list of things that will lose half a clean star:
  • The Lord's name in vain
  • The Savior's name in vain
  • The F word
  • Any other swear word
  • Nudity
  • No scene sex
  • Violence

Here are a list of things that will lose a entire clean star:
(FYI-Most of these items would constitute me leaving the book partly read and not reviewing.)
  • Sex scene
  • Multiple F words
  • Nudity described in detail or in a sexual way
  • Gory violence 

So, some of you... okay, many of you may be calling me crazy or picky or just plain ridiculous... I have basically 4 categories for swear words. Right, I know, but like I said, my review, my blog, my rules. This is just how my brain sees it, hears it, makes it work. I am much less offended by a "damn" or a "hell" than I am by an F word or my Savior's name used as a curse word. So, they are rated separately. And here's where you're pointing your finger at me and saying, "Yet you give them the SAME punishment!" But to me, giving them SEPARATE punishment makes it count more. A million "hell"'s gets the same punishment as one F word. I'll also explain in my review why a book has lost a clean star. :) 
Happy reading!

Clean Stars-- What does that mean?

I love to read, however, I hate when I get into a book, I'm invested and then there's a certain scene added or a certain word added making the book not-so clean.

When I watch a movie, I also like it clean, but movies have ratings. I watch PG and most PG-13. I stay away from anything R or above, because that rating tells me there are thing in the book that I don't want in my life. I so wish books had ratings!

So, the books reviewed on my author blog,, will all be PG or PG-13. If a book were to get to R status I would stop reading and, therefore, not review it. 

There ya go! That's what it means when I offer clean stars!
What merits a clean star to come...